Hyperledger Fabric für Node.js Developers - 2021jsday.it

On this year’s jsday conference Roland Bole takes part as a speaker with an exciting topic.

written by Roland Bole
published on 24.06.2021

In his talk about Hyperledger Fabric for Node.js Developers Roland takes the attendees on a journey through the world of Hyperledger Fabric. He shows how a Node.js developer can write chaincode (smart contract) and interact with the network. With a CRUD application Roland demonstrates how fabric-contract-api is used to write a chaincode with Node.js. Furthermore, he will explain how an express.js REST application can interact with the Hyperledger Fabric network.

Blockchain is one of the future technologies and for JavaScript developers it could be an interesting playground. Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source framework for business blockchain solutions under the Linux Foundation (https://www.hyperledger.org/use/fabric).

jsday is the main conference in Italy about JavaScript and its ecosystem. jsday 2021 is taking place online from 6th to 7th July. All sessions are in English. Check out the talks under https://2021.jsday.it/talks_speakers/.

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